Release Notes


Released: 2019-07-07
  • Added stylish train --layer-weights option to initialize weights for each layer from STYLE_LAYERS. The default value was initially hard-coded to 0.2, but has now be changed to 1.0 as it produces better results.

  • Updated stylish, stylish.transform and stylish.vgg to uses name scopes as much as possible in order to improve the graph visibility within Tensorboard.

  • Improved time display during training.


Released: 2019-07-05
  • Added stylish train --limit option to set a maximum number of files to use from the training dataset folder.

  • Record style loss, content loss, total variation loss and the sum of all losses to generate scalar curves within Tensorboard.


Released: 2019-05-27


Released: 2018-05-19
  • Always use GPU for the training when available.


Released: 2018-05-19
  • Updated stylish.train module to prevent fixing the shape of the input placeholder.


Released: 2018-05-18
  • Updated stylish.transform module to let the size of the images unknown when processing the checkpoint.

  • Updated stylish.train.extract_model() to increase verbosity.


Released: 2018-05-09
  • Fixed --content-target command line option as it should take a single value, not a list of values.

  • Fixed stylish.train.extract_model() to pass the correct placeholder identifier to the session.


Released: 2018-05-08
  • Initial release.