Source code for stylish

# :coding: utf-8

import os
import time
import contextlib
import datetime
import itertools

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

import stylish.logging
import stylish.filesystem
import stylish.vgg
import stylish.transform
from stylish._version import __version__

#: Default batch size used for training.

#: Default epoch number used for training.

#: Default weight of the content for the loss computation.

#: Default weight of the style for the loss computation.

#: Default weight of the total variation term for the loss computation.
TV_WEIGHT = 200.0

#: Default :term:`Learning Rate`.

#: Default weights for each layer used for style features extraction.
LAYER_WEIGHTS = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

[docs]def train_model( style_path, training_path, output_path, vgg_path, learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, epoch_number=EPOCHS_NUMBER, content_weight=CONTENT_WEIGHT, style_weight=STYLE_WEIGHT, tv_weight=TV_WEIGHT, layer_weights=LAYER_WEIGHTS, limit_training=None ): """Train a style generator model for *style_path* on *training_path*. The training duration can vary depending on the :term:`Hyperparameters <Hyperparameter>` specified (epoch number, batch size, etc.), the power of your workstation and the number of images in the training data. Usage example:: >>> train_model( ... "/path/to/style_image.jpg", ... "/path/to/training_data/", ... "/path/to/output_model/", ... "/path/to/vgg_model.mat" ... ) *style_path* should be the path to an image from which the style features will be extracted. *training_path* should be the training dataset folder. *output_path* should be the path where the trained model should be saved. *vgg_path* should be the path to the :term:`Vgg19` pre-trained model in the :term:`MatConvNet` data format. *learning_rate* should indicate the :term:`Learning Rate` to minimize the loss. Default is :data:`LEARNING_RATE`. *batch_size* should indicate the number of training examples utilized in one iteration. Default is :data:`BATCH_SIZE`. *epoch_number* should indicate the number of time that the *training data* should be trained. Default is :data:`EPOCHS_NUMBER`. *content_weight* should indicate the weight of the content for the loss computation. Default is :data:`CONTENT_WEIGHT`. *style_weight* should indicate the weight of the style for the loss computation. Default is :data:`STYLE_WEIGHT`. *tv_weight* should indicate the weight of the total variation term for the loss computation. Default is :data:`TV_WEIGHT`. *layer_weights* should indicate a list of 5 values for each layer used for style features extraction. Default is :data:`LAYER_WEIGHTS`. *limit_training* should be the maximum number of files to use from the training dataset folder. By default, all files from the training dataset folder are used. """ logger = stylish.logging.Logger(__name__ + ".train_model")"Train model for style image: {}".format(style_path)) # Identify output model path output_model = os.path.join(output_path, "model")"Model will be exported in {}".format(output_model)) # Identify output log path (to view graph with Tensorboard) output_log = os.path.join(output_path, "log")"Log will be exported in {}".format(output_log)) # Identify output log path (to view graph with Tensorboard) output_checkpoint = os.path.join(output_path, "checkpoints")"Checkpoints will be exported in {}".format(output_checkpoint)) # Extract weight and bias from pre-trained Vgg19 mapping. vgg_mapping = stylish.vgg.extract_mapping(vgg_path) # Extract targeted images for training."Extract content images from '{}'".format(training_path)) training_data = stylish.filesystem.fetch_images( training_path, limit=limit_training )"{} content image(s) found.".format(len(training_data))) # Create summary writer writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(output_log) # Pre-compute style features. with create_session() as session: style_feature = compute_style_feature( session, style_path, vgg_mapping, layer_weights=layer_weights ) with create_session() as session: input_node = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=(None, None, None, None), name="input" ) # Normalize input. _input_node = input_node - stylish.vgg.VGG19_MEAN # Build main network. with tf.name_scope("vgg1"):, _input_node) # Add dummy output node that can be targeted for model application output_node = tf.identity( / 255.0), name="output" ) # Build loss network. loss_mapping = compute_loss( session, output_node, style_feature, vgg_mapping, batch_size=batch_size, content_weight=content_weight, style_weight=style_weight, tv_weight=tv_weight, ) # Apply optimizer to attempt to reduce the loss. optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate) training_node = optimizer.minimize(loss_mapping["total"]) # Start training."Start training.") # Train the network on training data optimize( session, training_node, training_data, input_node, loss_mapping, output_checkpoint, writer, batch_size=batch_size, epoch_number=epoch_number ) # Save model. input_info = tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(input_node) output_info = tf.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(output_node) signature = tf.saved_model.signature_def_utils.build_signature_def( inputs={"input": input_info}, outputs={"output": output_info}, method_name=tf.saved_model.signature_constants.PREDICT_METHOD_NAME ) builder = tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder(output_model) builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables( session, [tf.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING], signature_def_map={"predict_images": signature}, )
[docs]def apply_model(model_path, input_path, output_path): """Apply style generator *model_path* for input image. Return path to image generated. Usage example:: >>> apply_model( ... "/path/to/saved_model/", ... "/path/to/input_image.jpg", ... "/path/to/output/" ... ) *model_path* should be the path to a :term:`Tensorflow` model path that has been :func:`trained <train_model>` on an other image to extract its style. *input_path* should be the path to an image to apply the *model_path* to. *output_path* should be the folder where the output image should be saved. """ logger = stylish.logging.Logger(__name__ + ".apply_model")"Apply style generator model.") # Extract image matrix from input image. image_matrix = stylish.filesystem.load_image(input_path) # Compute output image path. _input_image, _ = os.path.splitext(input_path) output_image = os.path.join( output_path, "{}.jpg".format(os.path.basename(_input_image)) ) with create_session() as session: graph = tf.get_default_graph() tf.saved_model.loader.load(session, ["serve"], model_path) input_node = graph.get_tensor_by_name("input:0") output_node = graph.get_tensor_by_name("output:0") start_time = time.time() predictions = output_node, feed_dict={input_node: np.array([image_matrix])} ) stylish.filesystem.save_image(predictions[0], output_image) end_time = time.time() "Image transformed: {} [time: {}]".format( output_image, datetime.timedelta(seconds=end_time - start_time) ) ) return output_image
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def create_session(): """Create a :term:`Tensorflow` session and reset the default graph. Should be used as follows:: >>> with create_session() as session: ... """ tf.reset_default_graph() soft_config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) soft_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True session = tf.Session(config=soft_config) try: yield session finally: session.close()
[docs]def compute_style_feature( session, path, vgg_mapping, layer_weights=LAYER_WEIGHTS ): """Return computed style features mapping from image *path*. The style feature map will be used to penalize the predicted image when it deviates from the style (colors, textures, common patterns, etc.). Usage example:: >>> compute_style_feature(session, path, vgg_mapping) { "conv1_1": numpy.array([...]), "conv2_1": numpy.array([...]), "conv3_1": numpy.array([...]), "conv4_1": numpy.array([...]), "conv5_1": numpy.array([...]) } *session* should be a :term:`Tensorflow` session. *path* should be the path to an image from which the style features will be extracted. *vgg_mapping* should gather all weight and bias matrices extracted from a pre-trained :term:`Vgg19` model (e.g. :func:`extract_mapping`). *layer_weights* should indicate a list of 5 values for each layer used for style features extraction. Default is :data:`LAYER_WEIGHTS`. """ logger = stylish.logging.Logger(__name__ + ".compute_style_feature")"Extract style feature mapping from path: {}".format(path)) # Extract image matrix from image. image_matrix = stylish.filesystem.load_image(path) # Initiate the shape of a 4-D Tensor for a list of images. image_shape = (1,) + image_matrix.shape # Initiate the style features. style_feature = {} input_node = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=image_shape, name="input" ) _input_node = input_node - stylish.vgg.VGG19_MEAN with tf.name_scope("vgg"):, _input_node) # Initiate input as a list of images. images = np.array([image_matrix]) for layer_name, weight in itertools.zip_longest( stylish.vgg.STYLE_LAYERS, layer_weights ): weight = weight or 1.0 "Extracting features from layer '{}' [weight: {}]".format( layer_name, weight ) ) graph = tf.get_default_graph() layer_node = graph.get_tensor_by_name( "vgg/{}:0".format(layer_name) ) # Run session on style layer. features =, feed_dict={input_node: images}) logger.debug("Layer '{}' processed.".format(layer_name)) features = np.reshape(features, (-1, features.shape[3])) gram = np.matmul(features.T, features) / features.size style_feature[layer_name] = gram * weight return style_feature
[docs]def compute_loss( session, input_node, style_features, vgg_mapping, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, content_weight=CONTENT_WEIGHT, style_weight=STYLE_WEIGHT, tv_weight=TV_WEIGHT, ): """Create loss network from *input_node*. Return a mapping with the content loss, the style loss, the total variation loss and the total loss nodes. Usage example:: >>> compute_loss(session, input_node, style_features, vgg_mapping) { "total": tf.Tensor(...), "content": tf.Tensor(...), "style": tf.Tensor(...), "total_variation": tf.Tensor(...) } *session* should be a :term:`Tensorflow` session. *input_node* should be the output tensor of the main graph. *style_features* should be the style features map :func:`extracted <compute_style_features>`. *vgg_mapping* should gather all weight and bias matrices extracted from a pre-trained :term:`Vgg19` model (e.g. :func:`extract_mapping`). *batch_size* should indicate the number of training examples utilized in one iteration. Default is :data:`BATCH_SIZE`. *content_weight* should indicate the weight of the content. Default is :data:`CONTENT_WEIGHT`. *style_weight* should indicate the weight of the style. Default is :data:`STYLE_WEIGHT`. *tv_weight* should indicate the weight of the total variation term. Default is :data:`TV_WEIGHT`. """ logger = stylish.logging.Logger(__name__ + ".compute_loss") # Initiate the batch shape. batch_shape = (batch_size, 256, 256, 3) # Normalize predicted output. _output_node = input_node - stylish.vgg.VGG19_MEAN # Fetch content layer from main graph. content_layer = session.graph.get_tensor_by_name( "vgg1/{}:0".format(stylish.vgg.CONTENT_LAYER) ) # 1. Compute content loss."Compute feature reconstruction loss ratio.") with tf.name_scope("vgg2"):, _output_node) with tf.name_scope("content_loss"): content_shape = tf.cast(tf.shape(content_layer), tf.float32) content_size = tf.reduce_prod(content_shape[1:]) * batch_size _content_layer = session.graph.get_tensor_by_name( "vgg2/{}:0".format(stylish.vgg.CONTENT_LAYER) ) content_loss = content_weight * ( 2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(_content_layer - content_layer) / content_size ) # 2. Compute style loss."Compute style reconstruction loss ratio.") with tf.name_scope("style_loss"): style_losses = [] for layer_name in stylish.vgg.STYLE_LAYERS: layer = session.graph.get_tensor_by_name( "vgg2/{}:0".format(layer_name) ) shape = tf.shape(layer) new_shape = [shape[0], shape[1] * shape[2], shape[3]] tf_shape = tf.stack(new_shape) feats = tf.reshape(layer, shape=tf_shape) feats_transposed = tf.transpose(feats, perm=[0, 2, 1]) size = tf.cast(shape[1] * shape[2] * shape[3], tf.float32) grams = tf.matmul(feats_transposed, feats) / size style_gram = style_features[layer_name] style_losses.append( 2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(grams - style_gram) / style_gram.size ) style_loss = (style_weight * tf.reduce_sum(style_losses) / batch_size) # 3. Compute total variation loss."Compute total variation loss ratio.") with tf.name_scope("tv_loss"): tv_y_size = tf.reduce_prod( tf.cast(tf.shape(input_node[:, 1:, :, :]), tf.float32)[1:] ) tv_x_size = tf.reduce_prod( tf.cast(tf.shape(input_node[:, :, 1:, :]), tf.float32)[1:] ) y_tv = tf.nn.l2_loss( input_node[:, 1:, :, :] - input_node[:, :batch_shape[1] - 1, :, :] ) x_tv = tf.nn.l2_loss( input_node[:, :, 1:, :] - input_node[:, :, :batch_shape[2] - 1, :] ) total_variation_loss = ( tv_weight * 2 * (x_tv / tv_x_size + y_tv / tv_y_size) / batch_size ) return { "total": content_loss + style_loss + total_variation_loss, "content": content_loss, "style": style_loss, "total_variation": total_variation_loss }
[docs]def optimize( session, training_node, training_data, input_node, loss_mapping, output_checkpoint, writer, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, epoch_number=EPOCHS_NUMBER ): """Optimize the loss for *training_node*. *session* should be a :term:`Tensorflow` session. *training_node* should be the optimizer node that should be executed. *training_data* should be a list containing all training images to feed to the *input_node*. *input_node* should be the placeholder node in which should be feed each image from *training_data* to train the model. *loss_mapping* should be a mapping of all loss nodes as returned by :func:`compute_loss`. *output_checkpoint* should be the path to export each checkpoints to resume the training at any time. A checkpoint will be saved after each epoch and at each 500 batches. *writer* is a `FileWriter <>`_ instance to record training data. *batch_size* should indicate the number of training examples utilized in one iteration. Default is :data:`BATCH_SIZE`. *epoch_number* should indicate the number of time that the *training data* should be trained. Default is :data:`EPOCHS_NUMBER`. """ logger = stylish.logging.Logger(__name__ + ".optimize") # Initiate the batch shape. batch_shape = (batch_size, 256, 256, 3) # Initiate all variables. # Initiate the saver to export the checkpoints. saver = tf.train.Saver() # Save log to visualize the graph with tensorboard. writer.add_graph(session.graph) tf.summary.scalar("total", tensor=loss_mapping["total"]) tf.summary.scalar("content", tensor=loss_mapping["content"]) tf.summary.scalar("style", tensor=loss_mapping["style"]) tf.summary.scalar("total_variation", tensor=loss_mapping["total_variation"]) merged_summary = tf.summary.merge_all() iteration = 0 start_time = time.time() train_size = len(training_data) for epoch in range(epoch_number):"Start epoch #{}.".format(epoch)) start_time_epoch = time.time() for index in range(train_size // batch_size): logger.debug("Start processing batch #{}.".format(index)) start_time_batch = time.time() x_batch = get_next_batch( index, training_data, batch_size, batch_shape ) # Execute the nodes within the session. _, summary = [training_node, merged_summary], feed_dict={input_node: x_batch} ) writer.add_summary(summary, iteration) iteration += 1 end_time_batch = time.time() batch_duration = end_time_batch - start_time_batch message = ( "Batch #{} processed [time: {} - total: {}]" .format( index, datetime.timedelta(seconds=batch_duration), datetime.timedelta(seconds=end_time_batch - start_time) ) ) if index % 500 == 0:, output_checkpoint) else: logger.debug(message) end_time_epoch = time.time() epoch_duration = end_time_epoch - start_time_epoch "Epoch #{} processed [time: {} - total: {}]" .format( epoch, datetime.timedelta(seconds=epoch_duration), datetime.timedelta(seconds=end_time_epoch - start_time) ) ) # Save checkpoint., output_checkpoint)
[docs]def get_next_batch(iteration, content_targets, batch_size, batch_shape): """Return array with image matrices according to *iteration* index. *iteration* should be an integer specifying the current portion of the images to return. *content_targets* should be the list of image paths from which the content features should be extracted. *batch_size* should be the size of the image list to return. *batch_shape* should be indicate the dimensions in which each image should be resized to. """ current = iteration * batch_size step = current + batch_size x_batch = np.zeros(batch_shape, dtype=np.float32) # Extract and resize images from training data. for index, image_path in enumerate(content_targets[current:step]): x_batch[index] = stylish.filesystem.load_image( image_path, image_size=batch_shape[1:] ).astype(np.float32) return x_batch